Envío gratis en compras superiores a $1500 MXN (México) y $4500 MXN (Internacional). *Excepto pedidos de 3 kg o más.

One of the best masks I’ve ever used! The ingredients are simple, but powerful. It gently exfoliates and moisturizers, leaving my skin soft, plumb, and smooth. I swear I saw a reduction in my rosacea too!
Si se notan los resultados en ña cara
Me encantó. Me la dejo toda la noche y por la mañana lavo mi cara, la deja muy suave!
Amo esta mascarilla, es bienestar puro para la piel de mi rostro
Amo esta mascarilla, es bienestar puro para la piel de mi rostro
Fascinated with this mask, it leaves my skin feeling wonderful, I have noticed it is more hydrated, without pores, breakouts, redness, I really love it. It cleanses and nourishes my face and the day after applying it at night it looks beautiful, beautiful. Totally recommended